Why Might I Need a Tooth Extraction?

A toothache can be excruciatingly painful. Sometimes, the pain comes with an intolerable headache and is very uncomfortable. Usually, a crown or filling can preserve your tooth, but if it is too damaged, extraction is the only alternative. The process of removing a tooth from its socket is known as tooth extraction. 


There are two forms of tooth extraction: simple extraction and surgical extraction. If the injured tooth can be seen in the mouth, your dentist will conduct a simple extraction. If the tooth is not easily accessible, then it will be surgically removed. Even though permanent teeth are supposed to last a lifetime, there are a variety of reasons why they would have to be removed. Those reasons are:



Tooth impaction occurs when one tooth grows while pressing up against another. Also, wisdom teeth may be trapped below the gumline, which can be excruciatingly painful. This can lead to abscesses, an infection, or red swollen or bleeding gums. In such a case, you remove the wisdom tooth to prevent further damage to adjacent teeth.


Tooth Decay


Tooth decay is usually the result of a buildup of tartar and plaque. They erode the tooth’s enamel, making it weak or brittle. When this happens, the dentist may try root canal treatment. However, at times the damage is deep and is likely to affect the pulp. In such a case, tooth extraction is necessary. 


Periodontal or Gum Disease


Periodontal and gum disease, like tooth decay, are often caused by plaque and tartar buildup on the teeth. The two most common periodontal disorders are gingivitis and periodontitis. Periodontitis is an inflammation of the bone and tissues that surround the teeth.


Gingivitis is an infection of the gums that surround the teeth. Periodontitis, often known as gum disease, causes gum recession and huge pockets around the teeth. If there is insufficient gum tissue to support a tooth, your dentist will extract it.




Teeth are usually the first casualties in an accident. Sometimes a tooth is too damaged to be saved and must be removed. The tooth might get a serious infection if you do not get an extraction.


Fractured Teeth


Your teeth, like any other bone in your body, can break. Molars are more prone to this. When a tooth fractures below the gumline, it must be removed.




Tooth decay can get to the pulp, leading to an infection. When this happens, the dentist performs a root canal treatment and puts you on antibiotics. If this does not work, the tooth has to be extracted to prevent the spread of infection. 


Teeth Overcrowding


Teeth overcrowding affects your smile. An orthodontist will assess how crowded your teeth are and whether there is enough room for them to move and realign your teeth. Teeth extractions are done when there is insufficient room to straighten your teeth.


Risk of Infection


The mere possibility of infection in a specific tooth may be enough for you to have it removed, especially if your immune system is weakened. An example of such a situation is if you are getting chemotherapy or undergoing an organ transplant.


For more information on why you might require a tooth extraction, or to book an appointment for a tooth extraction, call Reaves Dental at our office in New Hartford, New York at (315) 736-0139 today.

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